torsdag 26 mars 2009

What is Studentum anyway?

Studentum is a Swedish Internet-company that helps future students to find information about educations all over the world. Today Studentum have web-sites in all of Scandinavia and a global site called

This is the official blog of the tech-team behind the company which today consists of 12 persons with different background who all are committed to creating the worlds most comprehensive search-engine for educations.

Our platform is developed from scratch in-house and is built using, c# and microsoft sql server 2008. Technologies we use include cloud-computing, web-services, ajax, linq, debug-diag etc.

Since we once in a while stumble on nice technical solutions we would like to take the opportunity to share this with the community and maybe sometimes we have a question where you have the answer. If you like our blog, comment, link or copy us, we appreciate that:)

Marcus Boström
CTO & Founder
Studentum AB

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